JUne 8, 2024
9-4 @ Chalet Place Mall
56th & Summitview, Yakima, Wa
Fine Art & Craft Show
Bob Fisher
Born in Richland, Washington in 1952, Bob Fisher was the only child of parents who sometimes successfully chased the American Dream. He attended eleven public schools in six states and experienced the US in ways that place-bound kids don’t. Growing up on the move and always being the new kid instilled a sense of tenacity and independence in Bob. He approaches his art the same way.
Bob is a landscape painter, a genre that is often understood to be a record of a place; its trees, mountains, light, and clouds. For him, however, landscape painting is about the invisible but tangible space that the trees, mountains, and clouds exist within. The land and the atmosphere embrace one another in a yin-yang dance of solidity and void, each defining the other.